Feb 7, 2024
Rutger Schumer - Flash News
Last Thursday we received the message that Mr. Rutger Schumer had passed away. He was responsible for Sales & Marketing within Qommodity until autumn 2023.
We wish his relatives a lot of strength.
His death has accelerated the following reporting about Mr. Schumer:
After the first signals before summer 2023, we have discovered that Mr. Schumer has executed transactions for his personal gain and we have acted accordingly. Schumer has, among other things, sold tokens, often below the daily rate and had the proceeds transferred to his personal accounts.
Schumer has always given a false statement regarding the token transactions. Qommodity was not aware of the status and preconditions of these transactions as they took place.
Qommodity has become the victim of structured criminal behavior by Schumer. The police and the judiciary were contacted and a process of reporting a case against Schumer had already started. We are trying to find out where Schumer has transferred the received money.
We are currently working on a solution to the situation that has arisen and how to deal with the tokens that Schumer unlawfully sold. We will communicate this solution as soon as possible. This obviously only concerns the tokens for which Qommodity has not received any money.